Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Owen is Here!

First Family Photo

Proud mama

That face!
Owen Daniel, born on February 23, 2013...

It's been seventeen days since Owen came into the world.  Right now he's sleeping and has only fifteen more minutes before I need to feed him again so this post will be brief.  Hoping to get a few more minutes to write during his next nap.  This nap-time-round I also took a nap and then went for a walk.  The walks are part of my c-section recovery - doctor's orders to take a little walk every day, a little further every day.  Thankfully it's gorgeous here today.  LA has its perks.

I'm anxious to tell you about the past two and half weeks, starting with the labor.  I had certain expectations...none of which happened.  I've also been knocked backwards by the recovery process and the adjustment period of taking care of a newborn.  From breast feeding struggles to getting any sort of rest, there has been a major learning curve.  I was particularly surprised by the post-partum depression that snuck up on me.  I expected some sort of form of the "baby blues" but this was more than expected.  Basically "expectations" have been shattered and taken on a whole new meaning in the past weeks.  I'm learning.  We're learning from each other.  And this project is worth it.

But for now, nap time is over and it's time to feed this little guy...

More at the next "break"...


  1. Oh Megan, I want to just hug you. I remember so clearly feeling so bombarded by everything the first time around. I physically hurt so bad, I felt incompetent, she was fussy, I felt so sad for no reason. I really felt like things got better in all areas around 10 weeks for us and that seems to be close the the # that a lot of my friends said the same thing. If you need any venting sessions, please feel free to email me (epstein.jenn@gmail.com) Congratulations and give yourself a high five. You are not failing. You are kicking ass even if you don't feel like it. Oh and it always helps to repeat this little phrase over and over and over again "this too shall pass....this too shall pass....this too shall pass...



    1. Jenn - thank you so much. I want to give you a hug for reaching out and sharing. It helps immensely knowing that everything I'm going through is "normal." Knowing that you felt the same way helps more than you know. xo!

  2. Love reading these posts and look forward to reading the upcoming posts :) I am thinking about you guys and sending love your way!
