Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I'm Sara Haley's "March Fit & Healthy Mommy-to-Be"!

First!  I am flattered and honored to be featured this month as Sara Haley's "Fit & Healthy Mommy-to-Be of the Month"!  Sara interviewed me before Owen was born and I really hope you'll jump over to her site to read her write up. If you've been reading along on here, you know that Sara's workout DVD "Expecting More" was my main exercise routine while I was pregnant and I highly recommend it.  She has a new workout DVD called "Sweat Unlimited" that I can't wait to check out.  It's for anyone with a busy schedule but was designed with the new mom in mind with five different workouts that vary in time commitment, from 5 minutes to 45 minutes.  Only two and half more weeks until I can start working out again and I can't wait!  Thanks for the great fitness tools, Sara!  And thank you for featuring me on your blog!


PJ Party today...and everyday
It's been almost a month since Owen was born and I think I'm starting to find our rhythm.  Starting.  I still have my backslide moments of bursting into tears because I'm so-tired-and-he-won't-sleep-and-all-I-want-to-do-is-brush-my-teeth but we're getting there.  We're finding our new normal together.  His new normal this week has been to feed constantly.  He's just constantly hungry.  He's being fed every three hours with either a bottle of breastmilk or a bottle of formula (I still need to fill you in on my breastfeeding woes) but it seems like every hour on the hour he wants to eat again.  I figured this out because he'll start screaming and no amount of rocking/shushing/singing/swaying does the trick.  So in a revelatory moment, I popped a boob in his mouth and ta-da!  He stopped squawking.  And this has continued to work. Which is a miracle in itself, given our breastfeeding woes:  Basically, he didn't know how to suck initially in the hospital so the lactation nurses had me start pumping to make sure my milk came in.  But then my milk didn't come in until Day 10.  So prior to that, his pediatrician had us start supplementing with formula.  And now that my milk is here, it's in low production - I've never felt engorged or experienced leaking or anything.  And even if he nurses for the recommended 15 minutes per side, he's still hungry.  But getting him to nurse for that long is a struggle.  I think he gets frustrated because he isn't getting enough.  So...yeah. We've been figuring things out.  But all of a sudden he wants to nurse.  All. The. Time.  Which will be an interesting thing to juggle starting tomorrow because my in-laws get into town and it's like an issue of National Geographic in my living room.  I'll have to learn to be a bit more modest for a few days.

Also!  I started writing out the birth story but it is a long one and since I only get snippets of time to write it's been a slow trudge. But hopefully I'll get it up soon.  Now that we're finding our rhythm maybe I'll find more opportunities to write.  Eh, who am I kidding?  I'm sure the beat will change again before I know it.  Until then...


  1. Aww, hang in there! Sleep deprivation + hungry baby sounds like a struggle! Can the husband run out and get you a haircutting cape for when your in-laws are here? The capes so big and cover so much, it might be easier than trying to cover-up with a blanket so often. (I speak from experience, after one of my friends--who is on baby #4-- was breastfeeding in a restaurant and her blanket was another one of our friends starting screaming, "Help her! Help her! Cover her up!"

    1. Ha! Imagining the restaurant scene has me laughing :) A friend got me a nursing cover as a shower gift so I'll break that out and hope it works. Otherwise I'll just have to sweep him away upstairs when the fussing starts!
