Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

The turkey is in the fridge defrosting, the menu has been set and today I'm going to start doing the little touches to make Owen's first Thanksgiving as special as it feels.

We are hosting a small gathering at our place with my sister and a couple of friends. Everyone is bringing a dish and we're doing the turkey and a few sides too.  I can't resist making the potatoes - both the classic mashed and, my favorite, sweet potato casserole.  I'm also really looking forward to starting a new tradition by making some fresh muffins tomorrow morning. I found an incredibly yummy and simple sounding recipe for Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Muffins on Pinterest and I can't wait to try it out!

My garland has been hung since the beginning of the month:

It's a great little project that I found at Paper Source. You buy the kit and assemble it yourself but since everything is already there for you, it took me about 30 minutes to do.

And yesterday I made some foolproof napkin rings.

I have leftover brown paper from my pumpkin party, so I took a piece and cut 1 1/2 inch strips.  I rolled up the napkins, wrote a word of gratitude on the paper and then wrapped them around the napkin, securing it with a piece of double-sided tape. So simple and yet a sweet little way to make the day feel more special.

Today I'll get some cleaning done, tonight I'll make the potatoes but, most of all, on this Thanksgiving Eve I'll say a prayer of thanks. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It doesn't get all the pomp and circumstance of Christmas. In fact, it's often treated as a stepping stone on the way to the Christmas festivities. Don't get me wrong - I'm as excited as heck to put on the Christmas tunes and deck my halls. But Thanksgiving is a chance to be with family and friends, no expectations, except to eat, enjoy each other's company and to reflect on the blessings we've had this year.

And this year has been most blessed.

Hope you all enjoy your Thanksgivings!!

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