Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Forward-facing Baby Carriers: Yay or Nay?

Owen and I went on our first solo hike of Runyon Canyon yesterday.

On our way back down a woman stopped me and said, "Excuse me, hi, sorry.  I just, I have two kids and I just found out, front carriers are really horrible for babies.  I just wanted to say something in case you hadn't heard, like me. I  mean, I literally just found out."  I said, "Thanks. Yeah, I've actually heard that. But we don't use this that often, so I figure it's ok. Plus, he refuses to face in."  And she was like, "Ok, yeah. Just wanted to say something just in case." "Thanks," I said as we parted ways.

So, of course, I'm still thinking about this exchange. And wondering if I sounded like a totally irresponsible parent.  "Yeah, I heard these things can be dangerous but I laugh in the face of danger...and strap my baby in as I face it!  Mwhahaha!" And then I run down the mountain, cackling wildly. That's probably how that woman pictured me.  I'll have you know, I walked down at a sensible pace.

She was clearly very concerned though so I thought I'd look into it more. I have heard that there can be adverse effects but figured that those consequences applied only to babies who are worn in their carriers for the greater part of the day on a regular basis. If I sat and thought about it, I could probably count the amount of times I've used the carrier. Owen's a nosy baby and doesn't want to face in - ever. Whether he's in a carrier or just being carried, so using the "face-in" option on the carrier never worked for us. And usually the stroller is the way we get around. So I figured the warning of forward-facing carriers being potentially damaging was a moot point for us.

When I did a google search to learn more, I didn't find any sort of news or medical authority website listing the dangers.  What I did find was a bunch of mom blogs expounding the dangers of forward carriers. One was a particularly horrible story from a mom who's daughter has hip dysplasia, has gone through surgeries and will probably always walk with a limp. She admits that this could have developed several ways, including in the womb, but it could also be linked to forward-facing carrier use. Another site I found was a hip dysplasia specific site that discusses hip health for carriers, car seats, swings, walkers and more. I had never thought about car seats being potentially damaging!

The consensus seems to be that babies legs are not properly supported in forward-facing carriers and as a result, their developing limbs could pull out from the joint and cause permanent damage.  I kinda feel that if the risk is that high, forward-facing carriers would be recalled and no longer sold. But it seems to be hard to pinpoint when hip dysplasia actually developed when it is caught later in life. However if the forward-facing carrier can contribute to issues...maybe we should stop using it?  Although this article from an Australian news source says that babies under six months of age are the ones at risk for possible damage. Owen's over that age maybe I should keep using it?

So far I've only found opinions and hunches. Is that enough to stop using our carrier completely? Not for me. Will I make sure he's not in the carrier for extended periods of time? Probably. I think this could be a case of 'moderation is key.'

What do you think? Yay or nay to forward-facing baby carriers? Have you heard that they can be risky?

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