Friday, September 20, 2013

It's Friday Already!

This week has flown by.  Just us?  Or did it feel quick to you too?

Here's a few thoughts as we wrap up the week!

Car Seats

  • Owen is growing like a weed.  He's off the charts in height for his age (28 3/4" at 6 months) and I swear he's 29" now (he'll be 7 months on Monday).  His infant car seat is safe up to a 30" height and it's clear that he's almost outgrown it.   It's hard to believe he used to be this little in it:

Now his head reaches near the top of the seat, which makes me nervous.  Even though he technically has another inch to go, I think it's time to get a new seat - sooner than later.  But what kind??  I'm at a total loss of where to go from here.  Fortunately, Lucie's List just sent out an email about starting solids (more on that in a minute) and I was like, I bet she has some sort of guide!  And she does.  So I'm starting there with her guide to the Top 5 Best Convertible Car Seats.  Any suggestions from you moms-in-the-know??  Would love to hear them!!

  • We started solids a few weeks ago and so far Owen is taking to them well!  We're sticking with vegetables for now.  He started with green beans and has now tried carrots, squash and peas.  He loves the carrots.  I had grandiose plans of making his food for him but...those fell apart.  I don't have the right equipment (like a food processor or a Magic Bullet) and when I tried to use the blender on some carrots it was a bit of a wah-wah moment.  Let's just say, he gagged on the food I made him.  So I went over to Whole Foods, got some jars of Earth's Best and while I feel twinges of guilt for not pureeing his food myself, he LOVES the store bought stuff.  And it's so easy.  And organic.  And better than anything I can make.


  • Halloween!  I'm about to order Owen's costume and I'm kind of obsessed with the holiday outfits that are out right now.  I already ordered some themed PJs with a skeleton and Superman on them and I think I might go bankrupt just by looking at all the cute Thanksgiving and Christmas onesies and outfits that are out.  It's his first holiday season so I'm allowed to get a little excited, right?  This doesn't get any less exciting though, does it? (shakes fist at sky)
  • Super excited to be reading as a BookPAL tomorrow at our local library!  I hear it's usually mostly toddlers that attend so if you're in the area and have a little one, there will be two of us volunteers reading from 11-12 at the Weho Library.  Come play!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!

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