First, I want to give a big thank you to all of you beautiful women who commented on here, on Facebook and sent a messages after my last post. Your words of encouragement and hearing about your experiences mean more than you know. Actually, you probably do. These first days of motherhood can feel very isolating and it's reassuring that that feeling is not as lonely as it masks itself as. I feel so blessed to be a part of this motherhood-sisterhood and sharing with you all makes my personal experience more manageable. So, THANK YOU.
More milestones! Tomorrow marks Owen's sixth week in the world which also marks the end of my convalescence. There's a strict six week recovery period after a c-section where activity is kept to a minimum: no lifting anything heavier than my baby, no exercising - especially abdominal exercises - and no sex (ha). I have my check-up with the doctor next Wednesday and I can't wait to get the all clear. I've been feeling pretty good physically. The pain from the surgery has been gone for a few weeks now. And my daily (or every-other-day) walks have gotten easier and longer. I can't wait to get back into some sort of workout routine! Which is a phrase I never thought I'd utter. But here I am, jonesing to get back out there and go for a run. And I really want to do some plank exercises to tone the tummy. And lunges. This booty is taking on a life of its own... I'm researching stroller workouts to try! Any suggestions?
Another milestone: Owen is smiling now! He did his first social smile on his fifth week birthday and it was a couple minutes of smiles and awesomeness. Then he didn't smile again for a few days. And then he did. And now even he seems to smile when I change his diaper - which is quite a difference from him screaming whenever I changed him in the early days! Also, I'm pretty sure he's giggling in his sleep. No giggles in awake life yet but it's the cutest darn thing when he seems to be dreaming happy dreams.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
How in love I am with you right now?!!!! That hair cut is darling! You look great! I miss you and am proud of you and your new path in life as a mommy! xoxoxo