Friday, April 19, 2013

Celebrate the Good

It's been a heart heavy week.  It's unbelievable that Monday's bombing was just the first of several devastating tragedies to rock our country.  Then came the Senate's blatant refusal to represent the people who elected them as they struck down the gun bill.  Then came the explosion in West, TX, an entire town rocked.  Then came the massive manhunt for the bombers in Boston that started last night and continues as I type this.

Heart heavy.

In response to the entire city of Boston being on lockdown this morning, Kelly Oxford tweeted, "This week has been so shitty. Hearts out to those directly affected by everything. Can we all be on lockdown today? In our beds?"

I feel you.  I locked myself down Monday afternoon and all day Tuesday.  Lately, Owen has fallen into the habit of falling asleep on me immediately after eating. Early this week, instead of putting him down so I could get a few things done, I sat with him.  And just held him.  Sometimes dozing off myself but always feeling grateful that I could hold him close.

I was thinking of Martin Richard.  I couldn't stop thinking about that sweet boy and so I held my boy closer.  I was thinking about Krystle Campbell and Lingzi Lu.  I thought about how my parents would feel if my name took the place of one of theirs.  I never fully grasped how much my parents loved me until I became a parent myself.  My heart aches for all of their families and loved ones.  And for those injured, physically and emotionally by the day's events.

Nope.  I wasn't putting my boy down earlier this week. Everything else could wait.

Owen's at the stage in his life where he's starting to really notice things.  The Wonder Weeks describes it as going from seeing the world as a bowl of soup where everything blends together to noticing that things are separate.  For example, he notices that he has hands or that there is a toy dangling above his head as he lays on his play mat.  It's fascinating to watch him make new discoveries as he finally "sees" the world.

And the world is a scary place.  Especially this week.  I want to protect him from all of the sadness and I know that is impossible.  He's a part of the world now and all that entails.  But where there is darkness, there is also light.  In response to the way the news is reported in the media - all doom and gloom - my husband always says, "I've got 'news' for you:  The world is 95% good."  This week he decided to change the percentage.  Now he says, "The world is 99% good."  He upped the percentage. Because any time there's a tragedy like this week's bombing there is an immediate retaliation of hope.  People show us just how good they can be.  There were countless stories of the bravery of the first responders and the kindness of strangers, offering a place to stay or the coat off their back to cold runners or even just a hand to hold as they passed by.  So I agree with my husband.  The world is 99% good.  And that's what I'll remind Owen of as inevitable tough conversations arise in the future.

There was a quote from Mr. Rogers that made the rounds on social media after Monday that has a similar sentiment:

As we go into the weekend, uncertain of how all will play out, I celebrate the helpers.

And hold the ones I love tight.

Friday, April 12, 2013

6 Weeks: Must-Haves So Far

Guys. Owen slept from 10:30pm to 5:30am last night.  LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!  He'll be seven weeks old tomorrow and I'm hoping this new sleep thing continues.  If not, I'm still going to revel in the glory that was last night (she says, skipping and whistling through her morning).

In the meantime, I've taken stock and thought about our "must haves" that have gotten us through the first six weeks.  Here's what worked for us and I would love to hear what works for you!  I know I have a few expecting mommies that read this blog that might find a list like this helpful.  Disclaimer though:  what works for one baby may not work for another.  It's nice to have ideas of what to check out but there's always room for customization!

In no particular order:

1.  Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets.  We got home from the hospital and realized we didn't bring any of the swaddle blankets with us.  Panic set in.  For the first few days of Owen's life, there wasn't much time that went by that he wasn't swaddled.  All the nurses would wrap him up like a little burrito and he seemed to love it.  How would we get him to sleep if we couldn't do the same??  Enter Aden + Anais blankets.  I remembered that we had registered for them and after a little trial and error we figured out how to use them to swaddle.  For the first five weeks, we'd swaddle him before bed religiously.  Now we use them as little lap blankets in his rocker.  We used one as a shield over his car seat to protect him from germs when we had to go to urgent care (that's another story). They are really versatile and will surely be used long beyond these first six weeks!

2.  Boon Grass Countertop Drying Rack.  I registered for this little rack because I thought it was cute.  Turns out it's cute AND functional.  I thought I'd just be putting pump stuff out to dry but, as we know, breastfeeding didn't go as planned. This rack is perfect for keeping all of O's feeding needs separate and sanitary.  Also, this bottle brush has played a role in that as well.

(*One thing I didn't think I needed was bottles.  If I could do things differently, I would have a few on hand just in case.  Same goes for formula.  I'd have a small amount on hand, just in case.  The hospital gave us some Enfamil nursette bottles to help supplement but it left Owen a little constipated.  Our pediatrician recommended Gerber Good Start to help with digestion and his tummy seems to handle it better.)

3.  Breast Pump.  I rented a hospital grade pump for the first month and when I turned it in all I had was this manual pump.  A friend let me borrow her electric one to try out but I wasn't able to pick it up until a few days after returning the hospital one.  I used the manual pump to relieve engorgement in the meantime...and loved it.  For some reason, I can get a lot more, a lot more efficiently, with my manual.  So this is what I've been using.  I originally got it to use when traveling and a plug wasn't near by. But now I like the convenience of not having to be plugged in. I can use it watching tv, sitting in bed, at the table while eating pretty much don't want to show up at my place unannounced these days.

4.  Rock-n-Play Sleeper.  I've already talked about my love for this rocker but it's worth repeating.  I love how it cradles him and how it is so lightweight and portable.  I'll be sad when he officially outgrows it.

5.  Zip-front Onesie Sleepers.  Whoever decided button snaps were a good idea on infant clothing must have been way more patient than I.  I love his footed PJs that I can zip him in and out of.  Beats snapping and unsnapping and realizing you missed a snap when trying to get a baby back to sleep as quickly as possible during a middle-of-the-night diaper change.  I can't get enough of these.

6.  Honest Diapers.  The amount of diapers this one goes through makes me really aware of waste.  If I had my own washer and dryer in my place, I might have tried cloth diapering. But since don't, we've opted to use Honest Diapers.  I love them!  They are made of plant-based material, making them more eco-friendly, have no harsh chemicals or dyes and they work great.  Plus, they deliver a monthly supply to you, along with wipes, and the designs are adorable.

7.  Boppy.  It's so much easier to hold him while feeding or just while hanging out when I have the Boppy in my lap.  I also have a Brest Friend. Both are good but I find that I use this pillow more.

8. Pacifiers.  I didn't want to use them before I had the baby.  I didn't want any "nipple confusion" or for him to get hooked on his "passy."  But when he wouldn't stop crying after we got home from the hospital (and since he wasn't really breastfeeding at that point anyway), I remembered that we were given a few pacifiers as shower gifts and I dug them out.  They were a lifesaver that first night.  And when we took him to the doctor three days later and had him using a pacifier, the doc commended us saying, "A lot of parents are hesitant to use pacifiers but the truth is, babies like to suck.  It soothes them.  If they don't have a pacifier, they'll find their fingers.  And it's a lot easier to wean them off a pacifier than it is their thumb."  Good enough for me.

9.  Rocker/Recliner.  I know a lot of people opt for the sleek gliders that can fit in their baby's nursery.  Our nursery has no room for a rocker so we decided to get a rocker/recliner that we can keep downstairs in our living space.  Thank goodness we did.  And not for rocking the baby, like you may think.  I slept in this bad boy for the first two weeks after getting home.  With the c-section, I didn't feel comfortable laying flat in a bed.  It hurt for some reason.  Plus, it was difficult to get out of bed without using abdominal muscles and I was paranoid about busting a stitch.  So Dan brought the chair upstairs and I convalesced there.  Now it's back downstairs and I hold and rock and feed Owen in it. I've never loved a chair so much.

10. Activity Mat.  He loves his activity mat. He'll lay there and look around, cooing at the animals. And tummy time is easier with the little pillow that comes with this mat.  That way his face isn't smashed into the floor.  And he holds up his head pretty well now, which I attribute to time hanging out face down.

11.  Fingernail Clippers.  I swear, I think my water broke because this kid scratched his way out.  He's had long, sharp nails since he was born and I have to trim them every couple of days.  I keep these clippers next to my rocker so that they're handy.  I only clip when he's in a deep nap mode...otherwise he squirms too much!

12. Thermometer.  We use the one the hospital gave us. Why?  We check his temperature to ease our minds.  He's sleeping too much or too little.  Or he's eating too much or too little.  Or he's crying too much or too little.  Does he feel a little too cool or a little too warm?  There are plenty of times to feel worried with an infant. If he's in normal range, we're just being paranoid.  If he's not, it's time to call the doctor.  And get comfortable using it rectally - that's the temperature that counts.

13.  Bassinet Pad.  A friend recommended these and I bought three. I love them!  Since Owen's been sleeping in our room, we use one of these on our bed to change him in the night and avoid any accidents.  We also have one downstairs that we use on this oversized chair so we don't have to go upstairs to his changing table every time.

The same friend who recommended the bassinet pads sent me a comprehensive list of her must-haves when I was pregnant.  It was a great jumping off point for us so I thought I'd share the love and pay it forward.  Big thanks to Michaela for inspiring this post!  And, as Owen gets older, I'll continue making must-have lists for each different stage.

Happy Weekend, All!

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Thank You, Milestones and A Haircut

Happy Friday All!

First, I want to give a big thank you to all of you beautiful women who commented on here, on Facebook and sent a messages after my last post.  Your words of encouragement and hearing about your experiences mean more than you know.  Actually, you probably do.  These first days of motherhood can feel very isolating and it's reassuring that that feeling is not as lonely as it masks itself as.  I feel so blessed to be a part of this motherhood-sisterhood and sharing with you all makes my personal experience more manageable.  So, THANK YOU.

More milestones!  Tomorrow marks Owen's sixth week in the world which also marks the end of my convalescence.  There's a strict six week recovery period after a c-section where activity is kept to a minimum: no lifting anything heavier than my baby, no exercising - especially abdominal exercises - and no sex (ha).  I have my check-up with the doctor next Wednesday and I can't wait to get the all clear.  I've been feeling pretty good physically.  The pain from the surgery has been gone for a few weeks now.  And my daily (or every-other-day) walks have gotten easier and longer.  I can't wait to get back into some sort of workout routine!  Which is a phrase I never thought I'd utter.  But here I am, jonesing to get back out there and go for a run.  And I really want to do some plank exercises to tone the tummy.  And lunges.  This booty is taking on a life of its own...  I'm researching stroller workouts to try! Any suggestions?

Another milestone:  Owen is smiling now!  He did his first social smile on his fifth week birthday and it was a couple minutes of smiles and awesomeness.  Then he didn't smile again for a few days.  And then he did.  And now even he seems to smile when I change his diaper - which is quite a difference from him screaming whenever I changed him in the early days!  Also, I'm pretty sure he's giggling in his sleep.  No giggles in awake life yet but it's the cutest darn thing when he seems to be dreaming happy dreams.

Also, this is a thing, right?  A major life change happens and you chop all your hair off?  I feel like a lot of women do this after getting married, divorced, or, in my case, after having a baby.  It's actually something I've been wanting to do for awhile now but changing your look in my line of work can sometimes be costly.  A major haircut means getting new headshots (which are expensive) and sometimes means you're now a different 'type.'  But since I needed to get new headshots done after having a baby anyway, I figured now was the time to go under the scissors.  It's a little shorter than I expected but it's growing on me (pun intended).  Here's a recent family photo.  My boys are so handsome!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!