Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Guess we won't be forced to make our son's middle name Romeo.
He seems to be staying put...through today at least!
I'm not a big Valentine's Day person.  Never have been. My husband and I don't exchange gifts or cards on this day.  We don't go out to dinner or treat it any differently than any other day.  It's never been a "romantic" holiday to me.  Flowers die (or make me sneeze), chocolates aren't really my thing and I don't wear much jewelry so all the cliches are out the window for me.  Bah humbug.  However.  I do like the idea of a day to celebrate LOVE.  In all of it's forms.  Love for family and friends and pets and homes and sunshine and health and faith.  Love for the people that make me happy.  So today I celebrate love.  Love for this little man who has the hiccups right now and is making my belly jump all around.  I can't wait to meet him because I know that this idea of love that I have for him is nothing compared to what I'll feel on his birth day.  Love for my family, who are all too far away and who I miss terribly - now more than ever.  Love for my husband who brings such joy and life to my life.  I'm not sure it's possible for him to ever truly understand how much he means to me.  Love for my friends who are checking up on me and stopping by and sending texts and seeing how I'm doing.  If they are near, we've met up.  If they are far, we've skyped or talked in some way.  The abundance of love I've felt during these past few weeks is overwhelming and I am beyond grateful.

So Happy Valentine's Day.  May it be full of all the love that matters.  The love that lasts beyond these twenty-four hours.  The love that fills you up and makes you whole.