Friday, January 18, 2013

I think I'm overpacking

Overpacking has always been my thing.  When flying and checking a bag, the weight of my suitcase always seems to toe the line between 49.5 and 50 pounds, even though I feel like I packed "light."  The thing is, I like options.  I like to mix and match outfits.  I like to wear things that fit my mood.  Maybe I'm in the mood to wear the pink top instead of the navy blue one.  Why do I have to be so practical when it comes to my clothing options?  I read all the "tips on packing" in magazines and on Pinterest.  "Bring neutral items you can mix and match or wear more than once with a different accessory."  I try to adhere to this sound advice.  But then I always end up throwing a pair of heels in the suitcase that I probably won't end up wearing but just in case I get the urge to shake things up, I'll be glad I had them.  This happens about 1 out of 10 times.

And now I find myself packing my hospital bag.  Being prepared in case labor strikes at any moment.  And I consult lists from my childbirth class handbook and mommy blogs and I make my own list based on what I think works best for me based on all the advice.

And from that list I make another list of items that I'd like to buy to basically be used at the hospital and then discarded if they get too soiled.  I hear there are a lot of bodily fluids that happen during a birth and post-delivery so I don't want to bring anything I can't live without.  These items included:

  • warm socks
  • slippers
  • robe
  • PJs (button down tops and pants a size too big)
  • granny undies a size too big (to better hold the pads and deal with swelling)
  • flip flops for the shower
  • a colored towel and washcloths (because I hear hospital grade towels are tissue thin)
And then there were the toiletry items:

  • Depends (because they absorb better than pads and won't irritate potential stitches)
  •  travel size shampoo, body wash, contact solution
And then there is the "comfort of home" items that aren't being bought but are being considered:
  • A music playlist to get me through labor
  • pillow
  • smell-good lotion or an equally soothing scented thing
  • all our electronics - phone, camera, chargers
  • birth ball (which I did have to buy because I didn't have one)
And these lists are only the half of it.  You can see my handwritten list.  It goes on much further with reminders of things I need - glasses, extra contacts, headband, lip balm, nursing tanks, nursing bra, etc, etc, etc.

I think I'm overpacking.

Especially after going shopping, getting all the stuff I think I "need" based on my reading, laundering the new items and then going onto the WTE forum and reading a thread about hospital packing.  And several women saying, "With my first, I went out and bought all this stuff and then ended up just wearing the hospital gown, mesh underwear and robe they provided and not even touching the rest."  Or, "I thought I'd want PJ pants but they do so many checks 'down there' that it was a hassle having to keep taking my pants on and off."  And then I look at my pile that's ready for a suitcase and shake my head.  I'm still going to pack everything I got but I have a feeling that most of it is going to get untouched.  The good news is, I do love pajamas and feel like I can never have enough.  And I heard you pretty much live in your PJs the first few months of motherhood anyway so I'm sure it'll all get used eventually.

I'll give you the final inventory once it's all packed away this weekend.  And then post-delivery I'll let you know what actually got used - ha!  And if you have any tips on what you were really glad you had in the hospital or something that was a total waste, please share in the comments!  I'd love to hear real-life experiences!

PS - Two stories from my hospital-bag-shopping trip:

1. I was in Marshall's and ran into a woman from our childbirth class.  I remembered her due date because it happened to be on my husband's birthday (1/29) so we chatted a bit and I said, "You're due in two weeks, right?"  She says, "Oh, no.  Well I was but...Friday.  They are taking him out on Friday.  He's already 9 pounds so, you know.  I didn't want a c-section but they say this is best."  So she's having her baby TODAY.  Or has already had him!  Makes it all seem more real...

2.  When I was checking out at Target, the Depends were one of the items.  And they are one of those purchases you hope can go by without comment from the cashier as they discretely bag them.  That's never the case though, is it?  Somehow the teenage boy checking me out rang up the Depends twice.  And proceeded to hold them in his hand - highly, near his face, not at counter level - as he tried to figure out his mistake.  He couldn't figure out what he did wrong.  He's holding the Depends up in the air as the line behind me grows longer and he looks around for help.  I thought, Great, at any moment he's going to make an announcement on the loud speaker: "Assistance needed on Line 2. Rang up Depends multiple times."  Finally he pushed a button and figured out how delete the extra ring up himself.  But that was a long 30 seconds...

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