Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Postpartum Workouts: Thinking Ahead

I've talked about how I've been using Sara Haley's workout DVD "Expecting More" to help stay in shape throughout my pregnancy.  This week over at SheKnows, they are running an interview series with Sara on The Daily Dish - a new clip each day - and since yesterday was Monday, they did a little intro.  I was excited to learn that she has a new DVD coming out soon that helps you get back in shape postpartum!  While that goal is what inspired the series, it's not just for women.  Or just for women who recently had children.  It sounds like it's for anyone that struggles to find time to fit in a workout into their day.  She has options for 5 minute, 15 minute, 30 minute and 45 minute workouts.  Well, she explains it better, so check out yesterday's clip below!

And if you're interested in more, head over to The Daily Dish every day this week to watch more of Sara's interviews.  Today she talks about the importance of kegels...for everyone.  It gets a little naughty - a fair warning to the shy!

Speaking of workouts, mine have become less frequent since I hurt my back last month.  I'm slowly getting back into a routine but it hasn't been easy.  I find that I get tired more easily and sore in places I haven't been sore before.  Particularly on my walks.  Something has shifted in my hips because if I try to walk "normally", it's a real pain in the groin.  It feels like I'm straining my ligaments.  I'm no doctor...can you even strain ligaments?  It just feels like everything connecting my lower body is saying, "Nope. Sorry. We don't work like that anymore."  So instead of walking with my feet pointed straight, I have to turn my toes out, like second position in ballet, to walk more comfortably.  Next stop: The Inevitable Waddle!

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