Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome a New Mommy Blog to the Block!

Mommy blogs...they are superfluous in this internet landscape and yet, here I am, adding another one to the block.  I hope that this blog ends up being a welcome addition and we have fun on this ride together.  I'm currently expecting my first baby so not only is this a new mommy blog, I'm also a new mommy.  And I couldn't be more excited!  We're having a baby in February and just found out last week that we're having a boy!

My husband and I are thrilled!  I suspected this little booger was a boy from early on so it was nice to see that the mommy instincts are already kicked into high gear.  Although, I guess it was a 50/50 shot either way so maybe I just got lucky ;)

A little about me:  My husband and I have been married for five years and for the past ten years I've been working as an actress in New York and LA.  I'm from Florida originally though and most of my family is still there.  My husband's family is also on the east coast so we are a far ways from most of our family.  It's hard living across the country from them and I think that is just going to be magnified once our little boy arrives.  But more about that later, I'm sure!   

Acting, as you can imagine, isn't exactly a steady gig so while I've been lucky to work pretty consistently this past decade, there have been plenty of non-working times.  When that happens, I like to fall back on my writing.  I received my degree in English from the University of Florida and have been able to freelance blog for work while living in LA.  I've even written a screenplay that I'm shopping around right now.  And in the middle of all the baby!  

I've always wanted to be a mom and finally the timing was right.  I'll be interested to see how being a mom affects my work and my ambition as an actress.  Right now I have a great manager that is excited and happy about my pregnancy so I'm hoping to work until this baby arrives.  Once he gets here, who knows how priorities will shift around!  It will be an adventure, that's for sure, so I thought it would be fun to document.  And now that I'm getting into planning mode - starting registries, planning his nursery, reading everything I can get my eyes on - I thought it could be fun to plan here, talk here, vent here, listen here and learn here...together.  So thanks for stopping by and hope you'll come back!  

This project is just getting started...

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